Challenge Your Beliefs and Change Your Life
Our brains aren't meant to remain stagnant. By challenging our beliefs, we can grow and find new ways to enjoy life.

From the moment we’re born, we start forming beliefs about the world. Through experiences, we develop ideas about how things work, our place within society, and even scientific or religious concepts. The desire to understand is a fundamental part of being human.
Our beliefs act as a lens through which we interpret new information. This helps our brain connect the dots and make sense of the ever-changing world around us. However, as we age, we tend to solidify our beliefs, seeking out information that confirms them rather than challenges them - this is called confirmation bias.
But what if some of our deeply held beliefs are inaccurate or based on incomplete information? This is where challenging our thinking becomes vital. Since we build our beliefs by interlinking them with other beliefs, a single misconception can result in a chain reaction of faulty beliefs. After all, our brains are fallible and accepting the possibility that we may be wrong paves the way for continued growth.
Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.
George Bernard Shaw
Regularly examine your beliefs. Red flags that a belief might need scrutiny include:
- Strong emotional reactions: Defensiveness or anger can signal a need for deeper investigation about the belief or beliefs fueling the reaction.
- Limiting behaviors: If a belief is preventing you from taking action or interacting with people, it’s time to question it.
- Unnecessary stress or fear: Beliefs that create anxiety deserve a thoughtful analysis.
Remember, this isn’t about abandoning your principles, but about understanding why you believe what you do.
How to Challenge a Belief
- Identify: Clearly state what you believe
- Investigate: Why do you hold this belief? Where did it originate? How reliable is the source?
- Question: Is there anything that would prove this belief wrong? What would change your mind?
- Test: Seek to disprove your belief by searching for viewpoints and evidence that contradict it. Experiment if possible.
- Decide: After this process you can reaffirm your belief with peace of mind that you understand and choose to maintain the belief. You can also choose to discard the belief if you find it to be faulty or you can hold onto it until more information comes along knowing that it may be incomplete. If you choose to discard or doubt the belief, start evaluating other beliefs that are related.
This process of challenging and questioning your beliefs is truly the process of learning and growth. It prevents stagnation and ensures that we continue to grow throughout our lives.
Being able to challenge your own mind makes you capable of challenging the world!