#Brain Zone

Pumpkin Spice and Everything Not Nice: S.A.D.

We all love those fall vibes, but they signal the start of a not so cozy season for others. Days are getting shorter, but let's get brighter.


Woman throwing fall leaves in the air.

It’s that time again. People are flocking the Rocky mountains to watch leaves change, Starbucks is slinging Pumpkin Spice Latte, and those fall vibe lofi stations are up and running.

Summer might be gone, but Thursday marked the start of fall. Cozy clothes, stunning sunsets, a little chill in the air, and delicious baked goods all get the serotonin pumping. It’s clear why many mark this as their favorite season.

Collection of fall holiday food.
I mean, we could probably eat this mouth watering smorgasbord of food anytime of year, it's a free country, but there's something about Fall... Photo by Jed Owen / Unsplash

Something to remember as the warm fuzzies hit: The days are getting shorter. From the Summer Solstice in June through the Fall Equinox in September, it's a slow decline of daylight.  Following the Equinox, the nights are longer than the daylight.

For many of us, the shorter days and colder temperatures are a real bummer. Cue the big SAD - Seasonal Affective Disorder.

Silhouette using smartphone
The setting sun is making me feel feelings and stuff. Photo by Stefan Spassov / Unsplash

There’s a lot of theories to why SAD happens - changing light, weather changes, holiday stress, comedown from all that pumpkin spice… who knows? But it really messes with people and it’s important to be mindful of that.

As the seasons change, don’t shut people out. Talk about what you’re feeling - odds are you’re not alone. Even if you’re the type that loves this time of year, be the bright spot for others. Check in on your friends, especially the quieter ones. A little extra warmth goes a long way.

Fighting the Big SAD

Obviously, talking to other people and reaching out for help is important. Still, there are some other things you can do to help keep the bad feels away:

  • Move that Body! - Cozy pajamas and fireplaces sound amazing, but get yourself outside from time to time. Exercise? Sure. Touch Grass? If you can… Build a Snowman? Absolutely! You’ll feel better, and that fire will be even sweeter when you get back.
  • Hydrate Your Life - I know it's a meme, "I hope you're healthy and drinking water!", but it’s true! Just because it’s colder doesn’t mean you don’t need the hydro goodness in you. It fuels your body and your brain!
  • Stay Busy, Stay Sane - Idle hands may not do the devil’s work, but an idle mind leaves it to wander and do what it wants. You’re not going to like what it wants. Find stuff you love to do, or try something new. Challenge yourself and keep that brain buzzing and out of the dumps.
  • Don't Be Afraid to Seek Help - Therapy rocks! Seriously. It saved my life personally. There’s this stupid idea that asking for help is weak, but that’s so cap. Sometimes our brain needs that extra guidance, and some things are beyond our ability to will away.
Fall themed image featuring a cup of coffee in a box of leaves, a dirty book, and a blanket.
I love setting my PSL in a box of leaves while reading. Photo by Alisa Anton / Unsplash

Fall and even winter can be pretty rad seasons, and even those of us that experience some form of the Big SAD still might call them our favorite. Let’s work together, lift each other up, and make sure everyone can enjoy the season!

You are all wonderful people and I wish nothing but light for you in the coming days!


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